Rogelio Robles-Morales

Ph.D. Student - Tucson

Rogelio Robles, MD is a medical doctor with a specialty in Ob-Gyn and a subspecialty in Gyn-Oncology. Dr. Robles earned his medical degree from Universidad de Guadalajara and his specialty and subspecialty degrees from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City. Since graduation, he has worked as the attending and consultant physician in Gynecologic Oncology and Breast cancer in private and governmental hospitals.

His research interests are cancer prevention and early detection, personalized treatments, survivorship, and cancer-related outcomes in gynecological and breast cancers. He is a bilingual and bi-cultural Mexican doctor passionate about improving health care in medically underserved areas and populations in Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora.  

Faculty mentor:  Dr. Cynthia Thomson